Parenting: One Year In

So my baby boy turned ONE recently. I am so excited for him and realising how much he has grown in the last 12 months! I mean, I remember quite clearly what we were doing the night before (packing yogurt) when I realised I was having contractions. Then I went ro rest, but the boy was like, “Nope! My due date’s tomorrow. Don’t fall asleep on me.” (Trust me, I couldn’t.) Then I lost my balance and slumped next to the bed and my husband decided – right! We’re going NOW! He was in a panic.

The sad part is, because of COVID-19, he wasn’t allowed to stay with me, even though we were in a private room. Not one to be defeated, he camped in the parking lot until 9:45 am when my little boy SCREAMED his announcement to the world: “DID YOU SEE WHAT I JUST WENT THROUGH?” As if his mother wasn’t stressed enough.

So sweet. Until at night when he cried for almost an hour.

Anyway, one year down the line, and I still can’t believe how much he has grown. He’s tripled and surpassed his birth weight, he’s taller, more confident, babbling, toddling, smiling, laughing, reacting to tickles… I could go on. I see me, and I see his father too. Like both of us helped make this incredibly handsome, sweet, curious boy who we pray got the good bits (and the bad ones are all his own) 😜

Happy birthday baby boy!

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. It builds patience, character, and money saving skills you didn’t think exist. Of course, if your baby daddy/baby momma just wanna splash on junior, be prepared to get into disagreements. Your upbringing also influences your parenting style. Some first borns (and some last borns) know what it means to be treated like an egg, and they continue that because their parents (usually the mom) panicked about EVERYTHING! Some others (the rest of us) were tossed around like bean bags and fell on our heads too many times to count (talk about scrambled ðŸĪŠ). I won’t say how much of this my son has or has not experienced. 😅

The best part so far is when my child lights up every time I walk into the room. How he likes to reach out for us between zooms around the house. How he interacts with others. Watching him come into his own. And then realising that there are 18 years to make a good man out of him, and all will pass even faster than his first.

So for now, I will accept as many cuddles, squeals and sloppy kisses as I can get, because this time is precious, and fleeting. We will have to get through the age of friction before we get to a place of understanding and mutual respect. I am slowly bracing myself. Even as we fight over meals and sleep times. C’est la vie!

Not to mention the funny sleeping positions

Wishing you love, sleep and good cake, as I shamelessly plug For Goodness’ Cake KE.

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