I’ll be home for Christmas πŸŽ„

So, the year is coming to an end, and the wheels of life keep turning. My baby boy came, and we have been enjoying each other’s company; so much so that he doesn’t want to hang out with anyone else besides his dad. Oops!

Don’t get me wrong, he is a cool kid: accepts people and likes to chill with my dad. However, hunger and fatigue have their effects on even the most mild-mannered person.

His brother is still just as wired as before, with the energy and emotions bouncing off the walls. I guess that’s God’s idea of parenting: bring very diverse personalities into your family and see if you’ll figure out how to make decent people out of them, even though you are not quite there yourself. He knows why. Ah, life…

After baby 2 came, I was having a hard time physically handling the two of them during my maternity leave, so I decided to see a chiropractor. Dr. Margaret was really good. Soft spoken, bubbly personality. Likes to cut the awkwardness with funny observations and comments on things you discuss with her or the adjustments. I liked the cracking process myself and the warm compress that followed. All in all, something I would recommend, because my back and shoulder pain reduced noticeably after the first session.

Now I am contending with returning to the office: we got new people, so my office is no longer empty, and the place is busier than before I left. A lot of changes happened while I have been away, so we’ll see what that is going to be like.

All the same, Christmas is coming, and I am really looking forward to seeing everyone together again, especially my older brother and his family. I feel grateful that I get to have family to share holidays with, because I have people around me whose families are far, and/or split up, so they can’t visit them. I think gratitude is the lesson of the day for me. No need for Thanksgiving Day (which already passed, by the way).

In the meantime, I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, and a blessed 2023.

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