As the Whirlwind Continues…

So, it’s been a few months since my last post for one reason; I got a baby. Since then I have been putting off writing because I wasn’t sure what I would have to say, and if I would remember when I did have something to say.

Today, however, is different. I decided to try, even though fatigue and memory lapses will fight me.

So, now I am a mommy. Wow. It’s more wild than I imagined (don’t get me started on the birth process), and it scares me to think what toddlers and teenagers are like to live with (I was cool, by the way), especially boys. Will he have a time when he refuses to eat? Will he be the screaming, rolling on the ground type? Will he stick peas up his nose and ears? Will he run when I ask what’s in his mouth? I don’t know. All I know is that I am not ready.


Right now he’s such a sweet child, whose only major concerns are hunger, tiredness, and gas, and occasional ones are boredom, rolling off the couch 😣 and loud noises πŸ“’πŸ˜¦. The rest of the time he is quite chill. Especially with different people. Even when my mom sits down with him to watch her soap operas. So quiet, so fixated on the screen, I want to just grab him and detox him from screens.

One thing is certain though, I can’t escape the fact that we are not living in the same times as I grew up in. I feel very fortunate that where we live now, there is room to walk and a playground, even though it is being avoided because of Covid-19.

So do I stay indoors all day with baby boy? Sometimes, yes. The good thing is, I now have a neighbour-friend who is willing to spend time with me on a weekly basis, so him and his father are not the only people I see and talk to. So I can safely say I meet with someone who is not a relative, but in a way that is safe (remember the UK ‘bubble’ precaution?) It’s great. We have tea outside, then take a walk. Majority of our interactions have been outside, so far, just to keep safe.

What about his dad? For some reason, he has been taking on more stuff since baby was born, so he’s on his phone A LOT! It can get annoying. However, when he’s not on the phone, he has a fun time with the baby.

Father-son time. 😊

I hope they have many more great moments to connect. It’s also fun ticking off milestones: holding his head up, tummy time, smiling, laughing, sucking fingers, rolling, sucking toes, learning to sit… it’s amazing watching them grow. Especially for someone who generally finds kids nerve wracking. Having you own can change things – somewhat.

It’s not been long, so don’t think I am an expert or anything; I am a total green horn. Still, I think I am getting the hang of it, before everything changes again due to growth spurts. Pray for me πŸ™πŸΎ

Till next post πŸ‘‹πŸΎ

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