Where am I?

Disclaimer: This post may get random. Hey guys, Vicky here. As usual, I got lost somewhere between Facebook and life (mostly life). I have been busy making my daily bread and getting into the swing of things a.k.a married life. However, in the process, I ran into major writer’s block, which made regular posting tough….

One year married…

Hi there! It has been a while. The last big post I did was about my wedding. A few weeks ago, we saw our anniversary pass us like a ghost ship. That means the day was disastrous. We were OK, but the day was rough, and my compensation? A trip to the supermarket. He owes…

Is this life? Happy New Year

Hey people. Happy New Year! Good to see you. The fact that you are reading this means you made it through. And for that, I am thankful. Ever asked yourself, what is the meaning of life? A question that has dogged humanity since the beginning of time, and for the simple-minded, a trigger of insanity….

What’s new, kangaroo?

The title is making me nostalgic for a Winnie the Pooh marathon. That bear…… Anyway, HI!!!!! It has been a minute and a half and I apologise, but things have been, insane to say the least. After I got married, I got a new job, and had to move. And then many things that come…

I got married…. so now?

So now…… I just thought to share a few highlights of the day. All I can remember is being vaguely aware where I needed to be and what my party was doing and checking to see if all was going according to plan (if not better). At least I remember getting ready. And I remember…

Into the Unknown…

So, the day draweth nigh. When the giggles and games of girlhood are abandoned for the whispers and wondering of womanhood. The pretend pots and pans become bigger, harder, heavier, and the fires are hotter, and way less smokey than the little grass fires in our play kitchens. The boy who pretended to be “daddy”…

What is Women’s Day?

So, this is late, but I was looking at a post about quotes from famous women, because yesterday was International Women’s Day. What caught my attention was a quote saying “We have become the men we want to marry,” by Gloria Steinem. I don’t know her, to be honest. Google… Anyway, the men who commented…

Happy New Year?

Happy New Year! “Vicky, it’s mid-February.” I know. However, it’s been a minute since I put up a new article so I thought to start there. I haven’t spoken to you since last year! Jokes aside, this year has been crazy so far. For one, I recently received news of a friend’s passing, and it…

Thanks for the support in 2015!

So today I got an email from the peeps at WordPress and it sent me a link to view my annual blog activity report. The report encouraged me and I am considering making updates to this blog more regular. Another thing that amazed me was the demographics of my readers. I had readers from the…

Counting years or blessings?

So, as some of you or your friends may know, my birthday was a couple of days ago. As part of a self-initiated survey, I decided to keep quiet and see how well Facebook would help people remember my day. It was interesting to note that apart from my family, majority of the well wishers…

Just Thought to Say Hello.

So I was looking at my social media feed (I only do Facebook these days; I feel that old) and I realized it has been MONTHS – literally over 6 months – since my last post. If I was doing this for the money I would be broke beyond my high school days. Thankfully, I…

What is not going on?

I can tell you this much, I have not been watching as much local news as I should. I hear the questions and accusations in your heads. “You work in the media! You should be informed!” I am an editor! I work in a back room which has no television or radio, and the internet…